- Going forward, there will be a lot to accomplish in Bærum , especially around traffic hubs. The Sandvika Øst project, where old homes and businesses are being demolished and replaced, is one such assignment. When developing large areas, the necessary infrastructure must be in place, especially underground, says Reidar Kveine, who deal with water and sewage in Bærum municipality’s planning department.
Fewer errors and conflicts
Norconsult has been awarded the contract for underground work in the project and is implementing a fully digital project using ISY Prosjekt. The work includes water and sewage, district heating, waste suction, cable management systems and street heating. A walkable culvert will also be constructed through the area.
- It’s a complex project involving multiple disciplines. ISY Prosjekt will save us a lot of time and headaches, because everything will be gathered in one place. You can immediately identify any conflicts and considerably reduce these and at the same time reduce the risk of mistakes. The fact that everyone has access to the correct and up-to-date digital model is a huge benefit and something we couldn’t achieve to the same extent using conventional drawings, Kveine continues.
Unlimited number of users
All the players in Sandvika Øst use the ISY Prosjekt product, and there is no limit on the number of users. There is no need to download software locally as everything is done online.
- We needed a digital solution that would make it easy to share 3D models with a large number of users. We considered several products but decided that ISY Prosjekt covered all needs in one module. It ended up saving us a lot of headaches and delays, as well as some money, says Jo Husby, Senior Project Manager and Quality Manager at Norconsult.
Husby emphasises that they are closely involved with ISY Prosjekt and can assist in the development of the solution. This is theoretically possible with other solutions, but it is generally perceived to be easier to give feedback and suggest changes with this particular solution, which has been developed by Norconsult Digital.
Not sure how we managed before
- ISY Prosjekt has been a huge success in Sandvika Øst. We have full control over everything that happens, and it’s much easier to discuss models than drawings,wether in person, via Teams or by email It is very easy to use, explains Husby.
He says that he wants to use ISY Prosjekt again and expects that it will generate major long-term savings.
- It always takes a little time to get used to something new, but you just have to dive in. It’s worth it in the end. I’m not sure how we managed before, to be honest, concludes Husby.

Idar Kirkhorn
Head of Products
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