Showing the way with paperless project implementation for the new E39 at Lyngdal

Implenia/Stangeland were looking for a paperless solution implementing the new E39 Lyngdal East – Lyngdal West project. They chose ISY Prosjekt, which is currently used in projects with a total value of over NOK 30 billion.

Section of road with a project value of NOK 2.9 billion

On 18 October, Nye Veier signed a contract with the joint venture Implenia Norge and Stangeland Maskin (Implenia/Stangeland) to construct the new E39 through Lyngdal, with construction work starting on 20 October. The section, which covers approximately 11 kilometres, is part of Nye Veier’s project to upgrade the E39 between Kristiansand and Stavanger.

- The goal is a new four-lane motorway that will increase traffic safety, significantly reduce travel time and improve navigability. One of Nye Veier’s stated goals is to streamline road construction by using new solutions, materials and project methods, says Larissa Gustafsson, Head of Engineering at Implenia.

The Lyngdal section, which is due to be completed in the summer of 2025, has a project value of NOK 2.9 billion. To ensure fully digital and flexible design, Implenia/Stangeland has signed an agreement with Norconsult Digital delivering  the product ISY Prosjekt. The solution has been chosen as a project management tool for several new projects in the past year, and the portfolio’s project value now exceeds NOK 30 billion.


Leading the way with a fully digital transport project

As EPC contractor and consulting engineer for the section, Implenia/Stangeland and Sweco have a large and complex task ahead of them. The E39 through Lyngdal includes the construction of 5,300 metres of road, 6,400 metres of twin tunnels, two long bridges and one motorway junction.

With many years of experience and expertise in constructing complex infrastructure projects, Implenia/Stangeland recognises the high demands  in terms of fully digital and concise design.

- The extremely complex nature of the Lyngdal section makes high demands in terms of digital project implementation. We will need user-friendly software solutions that can satisfy the requirements set by Nye Veier, contractors and consultants. With ISY Prosjekt, we can seamlessly integrate technology such as BIM and GIS and continue to maintain the highest standards of road construction, explains Gustafsson.


Complex projects require simple solutions

Solutions such as BIM make it easy to ensure that everyone uses a single unified model, rather than thousands of drawings. The solution enables all project playersstake holders to retrieve digital reports, model details, projected statuses (MMI) and other key information in almost real time.

This provides an extremely accurate overview, enabling the developer and other actors to follow up everything from risk, progress, HSE and models, to documentation and MOM (management, operation and maintenance) information.

- Implenia/Stangeland has made high demands in terms of digital delivery of all relevant project information and will use ISY Prosjekt to help ensure flexible and efficient design. ISY Prosjekt enables consultants, developers, contractors and suppliers to work together in  the same solution, which is a huge advantage, especially on complex road projects, says Knut Erik Abrahamsen, Senior Consultant at Norconsult Digital.

ISY Prosjekt ensures good data flow and structuring of information, as well as a smooth handover of data upon project completion. The project owner, Nye Veier, can feed this directly into its management system, ensuring that the large volumes of data collected can be used in the operational phase.

- It’s important that we achieve the project’s performance goals. One of these goals is to realise an innovative and future-oriented road project that minimises construction and delivery costs. We’re going to put this to the test with Norconsult Digital, and together we set even higher standards for road construction contracts in Norway, concludes Gustafsson.


  • Knut Erik Abrahamsen


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