Sustainability and social mission

Sustainability and social mission

Sustainability at Norconsult Digital

At Norconsult Digital, we believe that sustainability is about using resources where they create the most value – now and in the future. With sustainable value management, you can make the decisions that help you achieve your goals. With our unique processes, methodology and tools, we can create digital models of complex decision-making processes. We can compare the effects of various measures and actions to deliver a data-based, comparable and documentable decision-making basis.

In this way we provide peace of mind in all your prioritisations and decision-making processes – and guide you on the road to long-term, profitable, sustainability. When addressing the topic of sustainability, we consider all relevant options and prioritise those actions that will create the greatest value.

- We work on many exciting sustainability projects, but the one I personally find the most rewarding is a research project where we are developing a Virtual Reality app that will reduce post-operative infections. Good health and well-being is, after all, the third of the UN’s sustainable development goals.
Frode Tørresdal,

Sustainability Manager, Norconsult Digital

Txh Lara Jameson, Pexels

Norconsult Digital focuses on developing digital solutions that help our clients achieve their own sustainability goals. This includes clean energy production, optimal use of water in reservoirs, environmental certifications, sustainable land use, LCC analyses as well as other digital tools and applications that help reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainable development.

Our corporate social responsibility 

Each year Norconsult Digital holds presentations at various universities, such as the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and OsloMet. The students gain an insight into how our ISY solutions are currently used in various projects. We have also entered into agreements in the education sector on the use of ISY solutions with a total of 12 universities, colleges and vocational colleges. These give students experience in the use of leading industry solutions, so they are better prepared when entering the job market. 

We contribute to a more sustainable society and generate benefits for the community through innovative and targeted consultancy services. When providing recommendations and choosing our suppliers and solutions, we give careful consideration to the more vulnerable areas of society. We actively apply our expertise on environmental issues, risk, IT security and contingency planning in our recommendations and choice of solutions for our clients, in the Group’s charitable collaborations and commitments, and in our own operations. 

The main way in which we exercise our corporate social responsibility is through the services we deliver. We actively promote measures to ensure that business activities are carried out so as not to breach internationally recognised principles and guidelines relating to human and employee rights, the environment, climate, nature and anti-corruption. Our general ethical principle states that all our behaviour shall withstand public scrutiny. 

We assess the risk of breaches of fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in our own business and in our partners’ businesses as part of our annual strategic risk-management process. The company reports annually on human rights in our commitment to the UN Global Compact. This forms the basis for due diligence assessments.

In accordance with defined criteria, our business partners are required to sign a Declaration of Ethics that sets out standards for human rights and working conditions. In countries with a high risk of corruption and breaches of human and employee rights, due diligence assessments are carried out as part of background checks on suppliers.

  • Kathrine Duun Moen

    EVP Technogarden

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