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Data-driven innovation

At Norconsult Digital, our mission is to create and consolidate intelligent digital solutions with a primary emphasis on delivering value to our clients and society at large. To learn more about the comprehensive range of services offered by Norconsult Digital, please explore further.

Consultancy services

Our consultants have extensive expertise and experience in leveraging technological opportunities in general, and opportunities offered by our ISY solutions in particular. This means that we can quickly familiarise ourselves with the challenges facing our clients and, most importantly – do something about them.

Information security

Digitalisation enhances efficiency and fosters innovation. Yet, it also introduces new vulnerabilities, dependencies, and risks that demand careful management. Entrust us with the responsibility of safeguarding your IT security.

System development, integration and management

Many large computer technology organisations trust us to be part of their team. Together, we develop system solutions that adds significant value to your business. We challenge ourselves and our clients daily, all while ensuring we have fun along the way.

  • Karl Johan Olsen

    Head of Services

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