Design creates culture – culture creates value – and values create the future
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As far as we’re concerned, it’s about encouraging organisations to put users first, in order to deliver comprehensive and meaningful user experiences. Insight is key here. To ensure success, we involve users from the very start. Interviews with and observations of users in their own working environment are the basis of a good design process.
For us, design is not just about optics – the tools must first and foremost meet the users’ needs. What are the defining aspects of the users` workday and at which points do they face challenges? Based on this premise, together with our clients we can create tools that make a difference.
A user's perception of digital products is complex. A good UI (user interface) design makes the product inviting, because it looks good. A good UX design (user experience) ensures that users quickly feel confident using the product. Is the product intuitive? Does the product respond as you thought it would? Do you find what you are looking for?
Let Norconsult Digital help you and your business with your digitalisation and improvement processes.
With the user at the centre and a goal of delivering holistic and rewarding experiences.
Head of Services
Statens vegvesen trengte bistand til videreutviklig- og vedlikeholdsaktiviteter knyttet til system for oppfølging av kontrakter med entreprenører for drift og vedlikehold av Norges riksvegnett. Resultatet ble ELrapp - en løsning som er utviklet av Norconsult Digital.
Kommunene Bærum, Oslo og Asker har satt i gang en liten revolusjon ved å utvikle en digital markedsplass for gjenbruk av overskuddsmasser. Norconsult Digital er valgt som leder av innovasjonspartnerskapet, og sammen skal de skalere både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.
At Norconsult Digital, our mission is to create and consolidate intelligent digital solutions with a primary emphasis on delivering value to our clients and society at large. To learn more about the comprehensive range of services offered by Norconsult Digital, please explore further.
Our consultants have extensive expertise and experience in leveraging technological opportunities in general, and opportunities offered by our ISY solutions in particular. This means that we can quickly familiarise ourselves with the challenges facing our clients and, most importantly – do something about them.
Digitalisation enhances efficiency and fosters innovation. Yet, it also introduces new vulnerabilities, dependencies, and risks that demand careful management. Entrust us with the responsibility of safeguarding your IT security.
Many large computer technology organisations trust us to be part of their team. Together, we develop system solutions that adds significant value to your business. We challenge ourselves and our clients daily, all while ensuring we have fun along the way.